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Pocketful of Brushes, Paints, and Pens.

#GrahamStrong Beaded Pen

#GrahamStrong Beaded Pen

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
Sale Sold out

There’s a story behind this pen one that weighs heavy on my heart as well as the hearts of many. CTS silicone wholesale beads is where I buy my beads from and a member of that group has been hit with a very hard situation. Their three year old son was complaining of headaches and his parents acted right away and took him to his family physician where they did MRIs and other tests and found that he had a large mass at the base of his brain stem. Surgery soon followed and chemotherapy and radiation will follow after that, three year old Graham, he’s going to recover from this with all those that cheer him on and pray for him daily.

If you are to purchase one of these grahamcracker pens two dollars of each sale will go to Graham’s foundation.

Add a complete charm pack to personalize this pen. (Sample charm pack shown)
Color of beads and pen may vary. This pen is ready to ship.
Ink refills are available in store. 

If you really rather not have one of these pens but would still like to support Graham and his family, Here is the direct link to Grahams go fund me and Facebook group so you can follow along with his journey:
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